A-Pro Payroll Sage Sage 50 Failure in Updating and Converting Company Files Error

Sage 50 Failure in Updating and Converting Company Files Error

The failure of converting the Sage 50 company data file to the newer version of Sage 50 happens when there is the issue in the backup file or the SAJ folder. The message displayed to you is “Unable to open the Company File.” Here, you get to know the solution to “Fix error failure in updating and converting company files to sage 50. The conversion of the company file is important to get all your work done synchronize with the newer version of Sage 50 software.

Causes for Sage 50 Failure in Updating and Converting Company Files Error

  • The environment of your system is not suitable
  • SAJ folder has some issues or duplicate files
  • Corrupted backup Company File
  • The Sample Company is not opening.

Steps for Fix Sage 50 Failure in Updating and Converting Company Files Error

The solution is directly provided by the team who is here to help you out to fix Sage 50 failure in updating and converting company files error. You need to follow it accordingly. The process takes time according to the size of the company file to fix the glitches.

Total Time: 35 minutes

To Verify the SAJ Folder

🔷 Find the SAJ folder and then open it
🔷 Check that there is any back-up or not that is CAB files
🔷 If you got these files then remove it
🔷 Also, verify there are no same/duplicate files in the folder
🔷 In any case, you found the duplicate files then delete them now.

If the Installation is Incomplete

🔷 Firstly, verify that you can open the sample company or not
🔷 If you can’t open the sample company then the installation is incomplete
🔷 Then, uninstall the Sage 50 software
🔷 You need to disable the firewall and antivirus if you have it
🔷 In the end, again install the Sage 50.

Convert the Backup of your Data

🔷 In this, you have to copy the automatic backup file .SAJ that is done before the conversion
🔷 If it is failed or not done then restore a previous backup file
🔷 Check that the file can be converted to the newest version or not
🔷 If it can be converted then take it as the current company data file
🔷 To keep the data up-to-date you need to re-enter the transactions

Disable the Realtime Scanner with Addition to Firewall and Antivirus in your System

🔷 First of all, the real-time scanner needs to be disabled
🔷 After that, do convert the file
🔷 Now, disable the antivirus and then try again to convert the file
🔷 Still, conversion not done or fails then disable the firewall and do convert the file now
🔷 Again, it fails then opens the Sample Company.

Converting Sample Company to Newer Version from the Older One

🔷 Check and verify, that the Sample Company file can be converted into the newer version
🔷 If you cannot do it then it is sure that it is blocked by the environment


🔷 In this, you have to check that the anti-virus and firewall is running or not
🔷 If running then disable it or modify their settings so they allow operating Sage 50

Sage 50 Canadian Edition version 2020.1 Release Fix

How to contact us?

So, you can see the above-mentioned solution is the easiest way to fix Sage 50 failure in updating and converting company files error. Do it and resolve your problem and you can continue with your Sage account. You can reach the team via Sage 50 customer support number to fix all the glitches. The team members are happy to serve you all the time whenever needed as they are available 24/7 hours. You can also reach them via email support@apropayroll.com, or do a Sage 50 live chat with experts.

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